2025 Lincoln Contest
The Forbes House Museum’s Lincoln Contest continues a tradition started by Mary Bowditch Forbes (1878-1962) 100 years ago. As an avid collector of Lincoln and Civil War art, artifacts and memorabilia, Mary sought to promote appreciation for our 16th president through an annual art and essay contest inspired by the life and work of Abraham Lincoln.

Important Dates
Friday, April 11
Deadline for submissions
Monday, May 12
Winners Announced
Saturday, May 31
Awards Ceremony
For Grades 6-8
Slide Presentation Prompt
President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act on July 1, 1862, setting into motion the development of a transcontinental railroad. This was one year into the Civil War. The North and South held different views on the usefulness of the railroad, but Lincoln recognized how much the developing country would benefit from a standardized rail system extending to the Pacific coast.
In your slide presentation describe how the railroads operated in the North and South leading up to the Civil War, and then how they affected the outcome of the Civil War. Last, address these questions: Why was Lincoln so committed to the idea of a transcontinental railroad? How did it relate to his vision for the country?
- 7-9 slides
- On the final slide you must include:
- Name and Grade
- School
- Teacher’s name
- Name of parent or guardian and their e-mail address or phone number
To submit:
- Share your Google slides with Miranda Silverman at m.silverman@forbeshousemuseum.org
- Copy and email the link to Miranda at the above address. The subject line should read “Lincoln Contest 2025.”
For Grades K-5
Art Prompt
President Lincoln authorized the building of a transcontinental railroad in 1862. When finished in 1869, the railroad connected the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California. Draw a train making a stop in one of the six states listed here. Think about what trains looked like in the 1860s and what that part of the country may have looked like around that same time in history.
- Any media is allowed
- Maximum size is 18” x 24”
- On the back you must include:
- Name and Grade
- School
- Teacher’s name
- Name of parent or guardian and their e-mail address or phone number
To submit:
Drop off at the Museum 9am – 5pm weekdays or mail to:
2025 Lincoln Contest
Forbes House Museum
215 Adams Street, Milton, MA 02186
**Upon submission, art becomes the property of the Forbes House Museum and remains in our archives at the Museum’s discretion. FHM reserves the right to reproduce submissions for publicity and promotion of the Museum and its programs, which include press releases, electronic media announcements, brochures, posters and postcards.